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Co-founder & Instructor

Marie-Michelle lived a nomadic life from 1998 to 2020, traveling the world as an aerial artist, singer and acro-artistic trainer with Cirque du Soleil. Yoga helped her to take root and deal with stress levels before taking the stage. Her curiosity led her to deepen her knowledge and learn from different masters such as Guru Dr Senthil Kumar, Tom Meyers (Anatomy Trains), Liz Koch (Core Awareness), Bernie Clark (Yin Yoga), Mantak Chia (TAO) to name a few. Today, Marie-Michelle acts as a mentor for those who want to learn AIR Yogalates, in addition to working as an acrobatic and artistic consultant in private and for special projects.



Co-founder & Instructor

Geneviève has a long somatic journey that has taken her around the world; journey that started at a young age, competing in high level gymnastic and then, performing as a professional circus artist.  Her experience and touch for creativity brought her to work as an acrobatic performer and designer for well-knowned companies and on several prestigious stages.   Obsess by the desire to master the raw power of her body, prevent injuries and create space in the body and mind, she enrolled with masters such as Ann McMillan (Pilates), Ana Forrest (Forrest Yoga), Bernie Clark (Yin Yoga).  Today, Geneviève is still performing and work tightly with Marie-Michelle to make AIR Yogalates more accessible to everyone that have an interest to deepen their knowledge and push their own boundaries.




Mari Angie is a passionate surfer, yoga practitioner and student. She started practicing yoga in 2000 and got certified as yoga instructor in the Panama University.  She trained herself  in alignment with the Iyengar teachers and practice pranayama, kriya and  meditation with the Art of Living teachers. Aerial silks were part of her workout routine when she found AIR Yogalates and felt in love with it. Through surf she realizes the power of yoga to increase the strength and resistance. Through AIR Yogalates she discovered a new potential to boost and speed all the benefits of yoga.  She brought the AIR Yogalates method to Latin America in Spanish and is willing to teach the beauty, the fun and the benefits of AIR Yogalates for all who are ready to receive it!




Laurence began touring with Cirque du Soleil at the age of 11. As a contortionist and aerial acrobat, she has spent the last 30 years perfecting her art with major international companies. Pursuing the desire to deepen her knowledge and continually amazed by the possibilities of self-healing and the transformation of the body and mind, she was formed among other things in Hatha Yoga (Emma Warmington), Yin Yoga (Albert Bissada) and functional anatomy (Carina Raisman). Challenged by the creative and evolutionary framework of AIR Yogalates approach, Laurence is proud to be part of the team and share her passion for movement.




Studio Namaste Yoga

St-Nicolas, Canada

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